Why I Don't Like Bucket Lists

Ever since I was a kid, I've never liked the idea of bucket lists. I felt like they put pressure on people to do amazing things with their lives & distracted them from the nice parts of even mundane life. When I heard people talk about their bucket lists, it seemed like someone's life could only be cool if they went skydiving in California or cliff jumping in Mexico. It was like forcing yourself to live in the future, focusing on a "perfect" image of life, when we could all just live in the moment and be grateful for the things we've already gotten to do.

I also never made a bucket list because I worried about not being able to finish it. Imagine how disappointing it would be to die one item away from completing your bucket list. I'd rather have never started one at all. I guess I wouldn't technically feel anything if I were dead, but the logic made sense to little me.

But if I had to make a bucket list, this is what it would say:

My Bucket List


Denali National Park, Alaska
Tuscany, Italy
Arches National Park, Utah

Image of Tuscany from Wikipedia


go on a 10-mile canoe trip
go dune surfing
watch sunset from a desert


re-read my 5 favorite books
learn another language
work at a publishing company
have a home library
finish my bucket list

Hopefully I'll get the chance to finish this bucket list and make younger Jessica Jean happy. But if I don't, I've already had the chance to do a lot of things that would make up a pretty good bucket list. I've traveled outside the U.S., watched sunrises on the beach, hiked up mountains, gone camping, learned to surf, swam in rivers, gone to almost every museum in Washington, D.C., gotten into a good college, taught myself to play instruments, adopted guinea pigs, and lots more. Here's me swimming in the Greenbrier River with friends at a camp in Caldwell, West Virginia:

A song that reminds me of this memory (YouTube).

I'll admit that over quarantine, I got a lot more comfortable with bucket lists and my fear of dying before I could finish them. I even made a Pinterest board of 96 images featuring games I want to play, books I want to read, and places I want to see. Who knows if I'll come close to accomplishing everything on this list or any others, but it's still fun to dream.

My 5 Favorite Books

Little Me

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